
The Rhinoplasty/Sinus Surgery Overlap

Mar 24, 2016
It’s not uncommon for rhinoplasty procedures to involve some degree of functional sinus surgery, and vice versa. There are certain issues which touch both specialties, and certain patient complaints that can straddle the line between cosmetic...

It’s not uncommon for rhinoplasty procedures to involve some degree of functional sinus surgery, and vice versa. There are certain issues which touch both specialties, and certain patient complaints that can straddle the line between cosmetic and medical concerns.

Case in point: deviated septum, a condition wherein the dividing wall between your nostrils is, or becomes, offset to one side or another. The issue here is twofold: the septum may look odd or asymmetrical in a way the patient finds distracting, and it may also impede airflow and lead to a number of collateral health issues:

Some of the most common breathing difficulties include a deviated septum and sleep apnea. A deviated septum is a condition in which the dividing border between the two nasal passages is off-center making it difficult to breathe. Sleep apnea is a condition in which the breathing pauses or becomes shallows during sleep. One of the most common symptoms is snoring. If left untreated, it can lead to other problems.

Resolving a deviated septum takes good planning and a deep understanding of the structures of the nose and face. As a Los Angeles ENT, I occasionally perform procedures such as these in concert with a cosmetic surgeon, lending two sets of special training to the same challenge in an effort to achieve functional and cosmetic perfection.

To learn more about how you can achieve strong results with a sinus surgery for deviated septum, please contact LASI here today.
