
The PROPEL Sinus Stent on TV

Feb 07, 2015
A recent news story in South Carolina included a local ENT discussing the many ways to combat chronic sinus pain and pressure. After reviewing a number of commonsense treatments, the doctor then brought out a Propel sinus stent delivery device.

A recent news story in South Carolina included a local ENT discussing the many ways to combat chronic sinus pain and pressure. After reviewing a number of commonsense treatments, the doctor then brought out a Propel sinus stent delivery device.

Check it out:

The Propel stent is distinguished by its long-lasting effects and profound reduction of the need for revision surgery. I am proud to have been one of the first Los Angeles sinus surgeons to offer this breakthrough device, which may account for my office’s extraordinarily low rate of revisions.

To learn more about the Propel stent and how you can achieve persistent relief after sinus surgery, contact my LA sinus practice today.