The experience of living with a deviated septum can be profoundly uncomfortable, in ways that few non-sufferers could ever imagine or predict. Consider this recent story, which discusses the whistling sound that is one of the telltale signs of obstructed breathing:
Every night for the past several months, my sleep has been interrupted by a whistling sound when I exhale. I notice it only when I wake up in the early morning. It prevents me from going back to sleep. My husband tells me that it is constant during the night. If I concentrate, I can hear it during the day, but it doesn’t bother me. I am a 61-year-old female; I don’t smoke and am in good health, with no medications. This nighttime wheezing/whistling is very annoying.
Anyone who has ever experienced congestion on just one side of the nose can relate to this: whistling is achieved by forcing air through a narrowed path in just one place, which is precisely what a deviated septum delivers.
If your sleep is interrupted by whistling, or your waking hours or vigorous activity seem to be continuously soundtracked by a high-pitched whine, it may be time to seek out some of the best minimally invasive solutions available.
The Los Angeles Sinus Institute offers lasting repair for deviated septums. Call us today to learn more about how a septoplasty could improve your life.