
The Origins of Sinus Infection

May 23, 2016
Sinus infections remain some of the most common complaints in modern medicine, responsible for millions of doctor visits each year and millions of dollars in costly care.

Sinus infections remain some of the most common complaints in modern medicine, responsible for millions of doctor visits each year and millions of dollars in costly care. Although most sinus infections go away on their own, others require a trip to see a sinus doctor.

But you can take care of yourself before that visit by practicing better prevention. And that requires a good working knowledge of how sinus infections form.

As the good doctor describes, sinus infections require a few steps to take root:

They typically start with a viral illness, like a cold. The virus can cause the openings into the sinuses to swell shut. When that happens, fluid can accumulate in the sinuses, and the bacteria can begin to set up shop. It’s not a good idea to treat everyone who gets a cold with antibiotics, but if the symptoms persist for more than a week without improvement and are associated with pain or pressure in the sinuses, seeing your doctor to consider treating with antibiotics may help to shorten the illness and prevent complications.

For the best sinus infection treatment in LA, visit the Los Angeles Sinus Institute today!
