
Sinusitis and Antibiotics By the Numbers

Dec 13, 2015
The principal problem with antibiotic prescriptions in this country is that they are often dispensed on a preventive basis. Viewed on the level of each individual doctor, it isn’t hard to see the logic in this choice:...

The principal problem with antibiotic prescriptions in this country is that they are often dispensed on a preventive basis. Viewed on the level of each individual doctor, it isn’t hard to see the logic in this choice: “Just in case” can seem like an innocuous phrase, especially when placed next to words like “infection” or “malpractice.”

But “just in case” is a big problem for our society at large, at it propels millions into unnecessary treatment and contributes to the rise of antibiotic resistance.

We find that 66.0% of patients with mild symptoms of short duration are given antibiotics, and that nonclinical factors, including the individual provider, the provider’s specialty, and the presence of a medical trainee, significantly influence antibiotic use.

It is a staggering number, and one which must be addressed if we are to have any hope of prolonging the useful life of our most common medicines.

Looking for a sinus surgeon who offers a more rational approach to the treatment of sinusitis? Contact the LA Sinus Institute today.