Obstructive sleep apnea is a (not so) silent killer, one whose many thousands of victims often fly below the radar of our national health reporting. Yet with a growing body of evidence tying the sleep disorder to heart disease, brain damage and other chronic health issues, an increasing number of researchers are looking for better ways to resolve the problem for good.
This week, a new approved device is making waves in the ENT community. Called Inspire, it provides small electrical signals to the tongue to keep it from sliding back in the mouth and obstructing airflow:
Will this prove to be a panacea for all sleep apnea sufferers? Doubtful, as it is only indicated for a certain kind of snoring, and is unlikely to work on people who snore because of a deviated septum or nasal polyps. Still, the initial signs for this device look good, especially for Los Angeles sinus surgeons such as myself who are constantly looking for more and better options.
If you’d like to learn more about the latest technology in sleep apnea relief, please contact my LA sinus surgery offices today.