
How Turbinate Reduction Surgery Can Improve Your Breathing: Before and After

Apr 09, 2024
How Turbinate Reduction Surgery Can Improve Your Breathing: Before and After
Are breathing difficulties affecting your quality of life? Turbinate reduction surgery may be what you need to reclaim your life. Keep reading to learn more about the procedure and if it could be right for you.

Breathing is the most natural thing the human body can do, yet many people struggle to draw in air without even realizing it. Breathing difficulties can disrupt sleep, make simple physical activities seem more strenuous, and slowly diminish quality of life.

Don’t ignore the signs if you’re wheezing, experiencing shortness of breath, easily fatigued, or breathing faster than usual. Consult with Dr. Mani Zadeh, our board-certified ear, nose, and throat specialist in Los Angeles, California, to discover the root cause of your breathing difficulties. 

In many cases, your turbinates may be the culprit, and turbinate reduction surgery can improve your breathing and restore your quality of life. Here, Dr. Zadeh explains how turbinate reduction works and what to expect before and after the procedure.

When do you need turbinate reduction surgery?

Your turbinates are long, narrow bones covered in soft tissue within your nasal cavity. They help humidify, warm, and filter the air you breathe. However, they can become swollen due to allergies, irritation, or other conditions, obstructing airflow and making breathing difficult.

Medications like nasal and steroid sprays can typically ease turbinate swelling and improve breathing in mild cases. However, this relief is often temporary, especially in more severe cases requiring turbinate reduction surgery.

Experiencing symptoms such as chronic nasal congestion, severe difficulty breathing through your nose, trouble sleeping, and recurring sinus infections are all tell-tale signs that you may benefit from the procedure.

Life before the procedure 

Turbinate reduction surgery is a minimally invasive and straightforward procedure that reduces the size of your turbinates and improves airflow without preventing them from functioning as they should after. You can undergo the surgery under local or general anesthesia, depending on what Dr. Zadeh determines is best for you, and it’s usually an outpatient procedure.

Many people who undergo turbinate reduction have a history of persistent nasal congestion, snoring, and a noticeable decrease in quality of life due to breathing difficulties. Many don’t realize how compromised their breathing is until it starts affecting their routine activities and sleep.

What to expect from the procedure 

During the procedure, Dr. Zadeh carefully reduces the size of your turbinates using techniques like cauterization, submucous resection, or radiofrequency reduction. These techniques make the surgery minimally invasive, and recovery is generally quick. Most people experience significant improvements in their breathing within a few weeks post-surgery.

Life after the surgery

Right after the procedure, you may experience some mild pain and congestion, which will pass quickly. You can return to normal activities within a few days to a week, although total healing can take several weeks.

Follow-up visits with Dr. Zadeh are necessary to monitor your recovery and remove any crusts that may have formed in your nasal passage during the healing process. Post-turbinate reduction, patients often report a dramatic improvement in their breathing. They breathe more freely, enjoy better sleep, and easily engage in daily activities. 

Life-changing procedures like turbinate reduction surgery mean you don’t have to live with breathing difficulties and their associated problems. If you’re looking for a long-term solution to improve your breathing, consult with Dr. Zadeh today by scheduling an appointment online or calling 310-286-0123.