
Breathing Problems and Deviated Septum

Jun 16, 2016
This clear and simply written article addresses one of the major concerns I see every day as a Los Angeles ENT: breathing problems. Breathing problems can be caused by something as basic as congestion or as complex as asthma,...

This clear and simply written article addresses one of the major concerns I see every day as a Los Angeles ENT: breathing problems.

Breathing problems can be caused by something as basic as congestion or as complex as asthma, and can include causes ranging from allergies to sinusitis. But one of the most common culprits for breathing difficulty isn’t a disorder at all; it’s anatomy. Here’s Bustle:

[Deviated septum] is most often caused by a blow to the nose (rugby and ice hockey players tend to have chronic problems with their septum alignment) or by genetics, but it essentially means that the septum, or cartilage in the center of the nose, is arranged so that the nostrils aren’t perfectly even. That can cause breathing difficulties through one nostril in particular. It’ll need straightening with surgery if it’s creating serious issues.

Deviated septum surgery is just as simple as the problem it is meant to fix. Your sinus surgeon creates a small incision and places the bone into a more symmetrical alignment, helping to correct asymmetrical breathing and give the patient far more comfort at work, play, and rest.

Deviated septum surgery, also known as septoplasty, can be planned and executed in a matter of weeks If you want to breathe easier no matter where you go, this procedure is a no brainer. Contact the Sinus Institute today.